Nik Airball Called a Hypocrite for 24-Minute Tank, Destroys Doug Polk in $232,000 Pot!

Nik Airball is making headlines once again. This time for a monstrous 24-minute tank and later destroying Doug Polk in a $232,000 pot.

There’s no doubt that Nik Airball is one of the most explosive characters in poker today.

His Fast and furious style of play has won him many fans. In fact, probably just as many as those who like him for his propensity to say what he thinks.

This time, though, that may have backfired on him.

Poker content producer Alex Duvall uploaded a review of a hand at The Lodge Card Club where he tanked for 24 minutes at various stages.

Now, this is a guy who called out poker vlogger Mariano on Hustler Casino Live for tanking for a very mediocre three minutes.

Mariano was holding pocket kings in a spot where he was facing a six-bet jam. Almost always an easy call-off, for sure, but not every time, particularly against a tight player.

In the hand in question, Airball opens for $500 from the hijack with 4h2h.

Lodge reg “Tesla” makes a really speculative call with 9h8c in the cutoff, as does Brown Balla on the button with K9o.

“Stache” then goes for a three-bet with 4c3c in the big blind, raising it up to $2,500.

Brown Balla folds, everyone else calls.

The flop comes down 5h 7s Ks and all players check.

The turn is the 6h — the spiciest card possible.

Stache and Tesla now have a made straight; the latter the nut straight. Airball has an open-ended straight draw and a flush draw.

Stache leads out for $5,000 and Airball makes a raise of $16,500. Tesla decides not to hang around and pumps it up even further to $31,625. Airball and Stache make the call.

The river is the 3d. Again, the action card that the fans wanted to see. Tesla has the nuts and Airball and Stache both have the lower end of the straight.

Stache and Airball both check. Tesla fires out a monster bet of $125,000 and Stache quickly calls.

Nik Airball

Airball is now in a horrible situation and goes into the tank. After more than 20 minutes the stream delay has almost caught up to the live feed.

Doug Polk, who had been commentating, then made his way into the playing room to let the players know a decision had to be made soon.

Airball let the clock run out of time and then pitched his hand, clearly frustrated, although he would soon learn that he had just been saved.

Tesla collected a nice $353,225 pot.

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Nik Airball Humilates Doug Polk in a $232,000 Pot

Nik Airball might have been a little frustrated about the earlier pot but he soon had something to smile about in another big hand; one featuring Lodge owner Doug Polk at stakes of $100/$200/$200.

Bulldog raises to $2,000 and Ryan calls. Airball overcalls with pocket fives in the big blind and Doug Polk wakes up with pocket kings in the straddle.

Polk three-bets to $14,000 and everyone folds except Airball who calls.

Doug Polk

The flop is 9h 2h Qs and Airball checks. Polk makes a c-bet for one-third pot and Airball calls the $11,000.

The pot is now $55,100 and the turn is the 8h.

Both players check.

The river is the 7d.  Nik Airball checks and Polk bets $38,000.

Airball, true to his playing style, thinks for barely a few seconds before jamming in the rest of his $139,000 stack.

Polk is laughing and shaking his head at the same time while Airball moves his chips into the middle.

He even turns over his kings to see if he can get a reaction out of Airball but he doesn’t flinch.

After saying multiple times that he feels he’s being bluffed, he eventually pitches his kings and the table asks Airball to show the bluff which he does to much applause.

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Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Live Streams VIP-Grinders News Featured Articles Poker Gossip Poker News


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