PokerStars Asia’s Only Partner 6UP Takes Legal Action Against PokerStars

PokerStars Asia are facing legal action from their partner 6UP after the withdrawal from China, Taiwan, and Macau. 6UP was a third party operator that provided access to PokerStars games via their own client.

PokerStars Asia’s Only Partner 6UP Takes Legal Action Against PokerStars

Pokerstars Gets Sued

PokerStars has yet to make public comment over change in their relationship status with 6UP. All we heard was that the market leaders would be pulling out of the three regions following a review of legal obligations.

According to a post in the TwoPlusTwo forum, which presented exactly the same story as found in a few different places, 6UP are far from amused over being left high and dry without any warning.

“PokerStars Asia’ only partner, 6UP, plans to initiate legal action against PokerStars’ parent company, Flutter Entertainment in London for their failure to perform and violate the terms of the agreement, and unilaterally terminate the partnership simultaneously.”

“Their action was consequential for the loss of 6UP’s goodwill and profits and disregarding the interest of players.”

We should assume that Flutter Entertainment who own the PokerStars brand have done their due diligence and are prepared for this spat.

It all looks to have come as a surprise to 6UP, however. A post dated 31st August 2020 said,

“At the moment, customer support of 6up claims that Chinese players on their skin are supposed not to be affected. So if you see Chinese players playing in the following days, they should come from that skin,”

PokerStars Asia’s Only Partner 6UP Takes Legal Action Against PokerStars

PokerStars Service Getting Worse

It’s an old joke how bad PokerStars customer service has become. The company was once famed for its speedy and helpful responses, usually within an hour.

Now people are claiming to have waited for as long as six weeks recently, just for a first reply to an email.

High stakes tournament player Bryan Paris tweeted a couple of days ago that his account was locked “due to a routine security check”.

Recently retired pro Max Silver wrote that a friend of his missed the entire WCOOP for the same reason.

“…friend had this happen day before WCOOP, check finished day after WCOOP ended,”

Paris was lucky enough to have his issue resolved within 48 hours after embarrassing PokerStars support on social media but most people fare much worse.

PokerStars Under Attack

As if all this news wasn’t bad enough there is a new thread on TwoPlusTwo encouraging people to come together and share their bad experiences with PokerStars.

15 year PokerStars customer fed up with their bullshit. Share your terrible experiences

After three pages filled in a couple of days one post brought a smile to every old school poker player who read it. Even Lee Jones popped up in public to tell how it brought back amusing memories.

Wed., Jul. 25, 2007 at 10:55 p.m.

Plz turn off my doomswitch, I’m down 700$ in past few days and I cant win no matter what I do.

PokerStars Support

Thu., Jul. 26, 2007 at 2:47 a.m

To illustrate our previous claims that we are not rigged against you in

any way, I have attached your performance with the two hands most commonly

associated with bad beats in Hold’em; AA and KK.

You’ve done very well with AA and KK in the week, winning 109 of

123 times with them, an astonishing 88.6% win rate.    

Jones replied,

It was one of the most frequently sent reports during that time period. I’ve no idea if it still exists, or if/how-often they send it. Thank you for the trip down memory lane.

Does PokerStars ever make anyone happy?   

Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Gossip Poker News


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