Published: 23rd January, 2022 Poker Strategy, Featured Articles, Poker News Author: Lars Liedtke

Poker Hand of the Week – Tom Dwan Rivers Quads Against Garrett Adelstein

In our Poker Hand of the Week two of the best live cash game players, Tom Dwan and Garrett Adelstein, collide with big hands in a massive pot at NL$200/$400.

Poker Hand of the Week Setup

This hand was played at the super high stakes cash game at Hustler Casino Live featuring Tom Dwan, Phil Ivey, Matt Berkey, Garrett Adelstein, Dylan and Krish.

Poker Hand of the Week – Tom Dwan Rivers Quads Against Garrett Adelstein

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They are playing 6-max NL $200/$400. Both players are very deep with the effective stack size being 562 big blinds. Garrett Adelstein has Tom Dwan clearly covered at the start of our Poker Hand of the Week.

Poker Hand of the Week Action



Tom Dwan raises UTG to $1,200 with J♠J♥ and Garrett just calls with A♦Q♦ from the cutoff. Everybody else folds. Pot Size: $3,400


Heads-up to a flop of 4♥10♣J♦, which gives “durrrr” Top Set, while Garrett has two overcards and a gutshot to the nuts.

Instead of making a continuation bet, Dwan checks and Adelstein takes a $1,500 stab (44% pot) at it. Tom check-calls. Pot Size: $6,400


The turn is a very spectacular card as the K♠ makes Garrett a well-disguised nut straight. Dwan checks again and Garrett now sizes up by betting $5,000 into $6,400 (78% pot). Tom Dwan check-calls again. Pot Size: $16,400


The J♣ is the case Jack and makes Tom Dwan Quads! “durrrr” checks over to Garrett for a third time and Adelstein goes for a big overbet by firing $25,000 into a pot of $16,400. (1.5x pot).

Dwan thinks for a couple of seconds before raising to $68,000 sending Adelstein deep into the tank. Garrett thinks for over four minutes and then folds his hand, while “durrrr” collects a $109,000 pot.

Poker Hand of the Week Analysis

Two huge hands collide, but Garrett Adelstein somehow manages to lose the minimum. Let’s see how.

Everything starts with Garrett just calling preflop with AQs from the cutoff. Usually this is a pretty clear 3-bet at a 6-max table, but the reason could be that Dwan raised UTG.

Then “durrrr” flops Top Set and decides to slow play it by checking the flop. Adelstein has two overcards and a gutshot and takes a stab in order to end the hand right here, but it obviously doesn’t work and Dwan calls.

On the turn it gets really interesting as Garrett binks the nuts. Tom Dwan continues his slow play by checking another time. Adelstein fires a second barrel of 78% pot and Tom check-calls.

The Jack on the river makes “durrrr” Quads and he check it! Adelstein then decides to overbet the pot. After thinking for a few seconds Dwan check-raises the overbet sending Adelstein into the tank.

Check-raising an overbet on the river is an extreme sign of strength and after thinking for four minutes Garrett makes the correct fold.

Poker Hand of the Week Conclusion

Two very strong hands collide in a Nosebleeds game, but where is the pot? This hand is a great example, while slow playing can cost you a lot of value.

By just check-calling the flop and turn, Tom Dwan fails to build the pot.

When he makes Quads on the river and then check-raises Garrett’s overbet, Adelstein can easily narrow durrrr’s hand to the top of his range.

Check-raising an overbet on the river in a big pot is almost always minimum a full house in this spot and Garrett correctly realizes that his hand can’t be good anymore. Nice fold!

Watch the Poker Hand of the Week from 54:36 here:

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