Watch the biggest pots of Poker After Dark Racks of Lamb ft. Gus Hansen

Fantastic Lineup ft. Gus Hansen, Rast and Matt Kirk

“Racks of Lamb” week features some really big names and even bigger $100/$200/$400 PLO action.


Lead by PLO Super High Rollers Ben Lamb and Matt “Aussie Matt” Kirk, they will have to battle with some of the best players in the world such as Gus Hansen, Brian Rast, Andy Andrejevic, Richard Kirsch, Keith Lehr, and Chris MacFarland.

$100/$200 PLO with mandatory straddle to $400

The blinds are $100/$200 with a mandatory $400 straddle on each hand.

With big time action players such as Matt Kirk and Gus Hansen on the table and the stakes so high, massive action and huge six-figure pots were guaranteed.

Watch the biggest pots of Racks of Lamb here:

Hands from Day 2 with Ben Lamb and Matt Kirk

3-way All-In on the flops makes up for a $88.100 Pot:

Ben Lamb and Jesse Sylvia get it in pre with Aces vs Aces:

Ben Lamb and Matt Kirk kollide in a $104,800 Pot: 

Hands from Day 2 with Gus Hansen and Brian Rast

Gus Hansen vs Matt Krik: $136,800 Pot

Aces vs Kings vs Queens for $164,000

Gus Hansen vs Brian Rast: $167,000 Pot

Matt Kirk vs Gus Hansen vs Ben Lamb: $175,900 Pot

Rewatch the complete episode on PokerGO 

In case you want to watch the complete episode and action from both days, you can find it and all previous Poker After Dark episodes and seasons in the PokerGO library by clicking “ON DEMAND”.

Please Note: In case you don’t have a PokerGo account yet, you can now save $10, which is more than 10% on your annual subscription, by using Bonus Code “vipgrinders”!

Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Live Streams Poker News


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