Viktor “Isildur1” Blom back crushing with 2 Million Dollar Upswing!

Blom with 2 Million Dollar Upswing!

While the High Stakes seemed to have dried out due to the changes and enormous rakeback cuts of PokerStars in the beginning of the year, we recently see a revival of the Nosebleeds thanks to Viktor “Isildur1” Blom.

2 Million Dollar Upswing graph

He has recently been grinding and battling hard with German Heads-Up specialist “RaulGonzales”, also known as “SanIker” on Full Tilt Poker.

Most winnings come from epic battle with RaulGonzales

The two had some epic battles at the $1,000/$2,000 Mixed Game tables and “Isildur1” has been crushing “RaulGonzales” lately by winning more than a million dollars of him!

In June Blom was booking six-figure wins almost every day he played boosting his bankroll to an all-time high of +3.26 Million Dollar at PokerStars.

Within only two months Viktor has won more than 2 million at the high stakes.

More consistent than ever before

Important to note is that Blom seems much more stable and consistent than ever before.

In the past he had huge tilt issues and blew millions of dollars winnings in only a couple of days, he finally seems to be able to control himself and kept winning consistently throughout 2017.

The biggest pot of the month

Not surprisingly Viktor also won the biggest pot in June worth $155,438 at the $200/$400 PLO tables against “ubersherms”.

On a board of 6c-As-5s-7c-4h all the money went in on the river and it turned out to be an ugly one as “uberhems” turned over Ad-Kh-8c-7s for the second nuts, but “Isildur” had rivered the nuts with Qc-9c-8h-3h:


A pot worth $155,438 was shipped over to Blom, who also finished the match with a $156k profit.

Exciting times ahead for all Railbirds!

As if this wasn’t enough Viktor sat down on the $1k/$2k Mixed Game to play “RaulGonzales”, where he booked another win of $78,448 to end the day with a staggering profit of $234,399!

Blom is by far the biggest winner at the high stakes in 2017 and if he continues to boost his bankroll like this we soon could see even higher limits and bigger pots at the online high stakes.

Exciting times ahead for all Railbirds!

Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Gossip Poker News


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