Video of the Week – Kahle Burns makes an amazing Ace High Hero Call at Super High Roller Bowl Australia

Welcome to our weekly article series: the Poker Video of the Week. Here, we are bringing you the biggest pots, best calls and biggest bluffs every Saturday at 2 pm CET.

This week, we got a memorable river hero call for you with an unpaired hand.

Kahle Burns makes the call with Ace High in a huge pot

The hand in this video was played at the final table for the inaugural A$250,000 Super High Roller Bowl Australia at The Star Casino and Hotel in Queensland.

The initial 16-player field got down to the final 5. Only the top 3 places got paid.

Burns picked up A10 suited of Clubs on the button, so evidently he raised to 2.5 BB’s. The chip leader, Elio Fox 3-bet large, to 13 BB’s with 98 suited of Hearts from the big blind. Burns flatted in response.

The flop came 74K, two Clubs, one Heart –  a nut flush draw for Kahle Burns. Fox c-bet small out of position, but with that good draw, his opponent went nowhere.

Kahle Burns wins $25,500 partypoker MILLIONS UK Super High Roller for $350,000

The turn came the Jack of Clubs. Fox picked up a lot of equity with that card, as he too had a flush draw and a gutshot straight with it. Thus he kept the pressure on and made another bet, a little under half pot this time. Burns, who picked up additional outs with a broadway draw himself, made the call once again.

The river fell the 3 of Spades – a complete brick. Fox fired the last shot of his triple barrel bluff. He chose a rather small sizing again, just a little over 3rd pot. However, the pot was bloated by then, so his last bet amounted to 27.5 BB’s. That was a significant portion of Kahle Burns’ stack.

What does Burns do with Ace high in this spot? Can he find the correct call, or does he re-raise as a bluff?

Well, his choice made this video worth watching for sure. In that high-pressure spot, two away from the money, he was able to find the correct call with just Ace high!

Elio Fox ended up busting in 5th place and thus failed to cash. Burns, however, eventually finished in second place for A$1,200,000. He lost the heads-up battle to Timothy Adams, who won the first ever Super High Roller Bowl Australia for A$2,160,000.

Watch the Poker Video of the Week Here:

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