Phil Galfond Investigates Mike Postle Cheating Scandal – Starts Galfond Challenge vs. Chance Kornuth with a €33,000 Loss

Galfond Challenge vs. Chance Kornuth Kicks Off

The next and very exciting Galfond Challenge vs. Chance Kornuth kicked off last night. Chance is the latest player to step up to the plate to see if he can dethrone Phil Galfond who is currently unbeaten.

The rules are that the players will play 35,000 hands of PLO at stakes of €100/€200. There is also a sidebet of €1,000,000 from Galfond and €250,000 from Kornuth for the loser to pay out.

After some confusion about who would stream, because only Nevada residents can view the tables, play eventually got underway.

This morning’s session resulted in a €33,000 win for Kornuth. Mainly due to the highlight hand of the session where he picked off Galfond’s three-barrel bluff with only one pair to scoop a €56,000 pot.

Watch Galfond Challenge vs. Chance Kornuth Day 1 here:


Watch the Recap of Galfond Challenge vs. Chance Kornuth Day 1:

Mike Postle Scandal Not Over

Phil Galfond has declared his intention to investigate the Mike Postle cheating scandal after a bitter end to the case. The PLO cash game legend took serious umbridge at the attitude of both Postle’s legal counsel and Stones Gambling Hall apparently taunting the victims.

Phil Galfond

Just when it looked as if the Mike Postle Scandal was all over and done with, there could be more to come.

We saw plenty of analysis from individual hands, such as that done by Doug Polk, but what Galfond has planned is on a whole new level.

It isn’t clear exactly what the stakes are here, but what remains of Postle’s reputation will be under scrutiny. Legal action in the criminal sense is underpinned  by the notion of proving beyond all reasonable doubt.

Phil Galfond will be going a lot deeper with his analysis than anybody has done so far.

Phil Galfond to Delve Deeper

Most of the hands that make Postle look as guilty as sin have been standalone. Phil Galfond is now on a mission to build a team that will put every second of footage together to build every stat that could be of any use.

A whopping 425 hours of content to sift through is no small task, but one that is essential to providing the necessary level of detail and accuracy.

Galfond tweeted,

“It seems people have focused on winrate, which helps but isn’t the best way to prove guilt or innocence. What was his river bluff success rate? 

How often did he make a big bet or raise vs the (near) nuts? How often did he take aggressive action w/ a chop? (shout out@BartHanson)”

Postle’s attorney, Justin Kuraitis, poured scorn over Bart Hanson’s “cherry picking” of 20 hands that appear to make Postle look banged to rights. Galfond intends to leave no stone unturned.

Phil Galfond Investigates Mike Postle

Phil Galfond Justifies His Reputation

It is unlikely that there is another person in the poker industry more highly thought of than Phil Galfond. His integrity has never been called into question over a long and successful career.

Posters on Twitter were extremely happy to see the American popping his head over the parapet by taking on this task that offers no upside for him personally.

“There’s a reason Phil is regarded as the most reputable guy in the industry that is beloved by all and @RunItOncePoker is the shining light to restore poker.” 

“Even if nothing comes of this, the poker world owes a debt of gratitude to you Phil”

While Galfond was busy seeking out helpers for his team, fellow high stakes crusher Shaun Deeb was tweeting from his hospital bed suffering from COVID-19.

Deeb looks excited at the prospect of Postle maybe getting some justice after all.

Galfond responded with the thought that the 10% rake a GoFundMe would charge is worth it for the appearance of self-policing by the community. It is, he said, “a good look”.

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Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Gossip Poker News


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