Poker Hand of the Week - Frank Stepuchin rivers the nut flush and folds it!
Mark Patrickson | 22.05.21 | Poker Strategy
We saw a very spectacular hand on the latest PAD episode, where Frank Stepuchin rivered the nut flush and folded vs. Mike Matusow!
Poker Hand of the Week – Three huge hands end in crazy Roller Coaster Runout at Poker After Dark
Mark Patrickson | 24.04.21 | Poker Strategy
We saw a very sick hand on PAD, where 3 huge hands collide in a big pot ft. Frank Stepuchin, Marle and Ronnie Bardah.
Poker Hand of the Week – Chris Eubank Check Behind on the River with Pocket Aces vs. Dan Bilzerian
Mark Patrickson | 17.04.21 | Poker Strategy
We saw a very curious hand on the latest PAD episode, where Chris Eubank checked behind river with Pocket Aces against Dan Bilzerian.
Poker Hand of the Week – Dan Bilzerian bluffing into the Nuts on Poker After Dark
Mark Patrickson | 10.04.21 | Poker Strategy
We saw a very interesting hand on PAD, where Dan Bilzerian made a big move at the wrong time. Was it a bad bluff?
Poker Hand of the Week – Nick Schulman’s beautiful value bet bluff at Poker After Dark
Mark Patrickson | 03.04.21 | Poker Strategy
In our Hand of the Week we analyse Nick Schulman’s value bet bluff in a $26,250 pot against Jeremiah Williams on Poker After Dark.
Poker Hand of the Week – James Bord’s $28,550 All-In Bluff with 72o
Mark Patrickson | 27.03.21 | Poker Strategy
Oops he did It again! In our Hand of the Week James Bord shoves in a $28,550 with 72o against Scott Ball on PAD.
Poker Hand of the Week – Limitless folds the Nut Straight to Fedor’s river shoveand of the Week – Limitless folds the Nut Straight to Fedor’s river shove
Mark Patrickson | 20.03.21 | Poker Strategy
In our Hand of the Week we discuss the very controversial fold by Limitless with the nut straight against Fedor Holz.
Poker Hand of the Week - Garrett Adelstein’s Hero Call vs. Andy Tsai on Live at the Bike!
Mark Patrickson | 13.03.21 | Poker Strategy
In our Hand of the Week Garrett Adelstein makes an insane laydown by folding a full house against Andy in a massive $200,000 pot!
Poker Hand of the Week - Sam Soverel gets maximum value with his set
Mark Patrickson | 06.03.21 | Poker Strategy
In our Hand of the Week Sam Soverel demonstrates how to get maximum value, when you turn a set.
Poker Hand of the Week – Jonathan Little in Dire Straits at his PAD Debut
Mark Patrickson | 27.02.21 | Poker Strategy
Jonathan Little made his Poker After Dark debut this week just to find himself in dire straits in a huge pot against Chris Johnson.


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Poker Strategy

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