The biggest pots of the first Poker After Dark episode

What a comeback of Poker After Dark!

Everyone is talking about the great comeback of Poker After Dark and Tom “durrr” Dwan. That’s why we have decided to analyze the two biggest pots.

TV Production Set Poker After Dark

The first episode featured Tom “durrrr” Dwan, Daniel Negreanu, Antonio Esfandiari, Doyle Brunson, Andrew Robl, Matt “Aussie Matt” Kirk, Jean Robert Bellande, Bill Klein and Lauren Roberts.

Tom “durrrr” Dwan is back!

The player, who clearly left his mark and crushed from on the new Poker After Dark episode from the first day on was Tom “durrrr” Dwan.

Tom Dwan Poker After Dark 2

He was playing well and running good a combination, which is disastrous for his opponents.

Analysis of the $700,000 Pot: Tom Dwan vs Antonio Esfandiari

They played a 6-max cash game with a  minimum buy-in was $100,000, but many players bought in for $200,000 to $500,000.

The blinds were $200/$400 plus a $400 button ante and an optional straddle and re-straddle. Especially the $400 button ante proved to create a lot of action.

In this hand Antonio opened the action UTG with pocket kings and a raise to $2,200. Daniel Negreanu 3-bets with pocket queens from the button to $7,000.

Tom Dwan now finds pocket aces in the big blind and 4-bets to $14,000. The action comes back to Esfandiari, who 5-bets to $41,600.

Now Daniel has a very tricky spot with his queens. After the 5-bet from Esfandiari he is at best flipping against A-K, but most likely facing Aces or Kings, but he decides to make the call. Potsize: $96,800.

Music to the ears of Dwan, who still sits there with the nuts. Tom takes his time and then 6-bet ships all-in for $328,000.

Antonio sighs, says: “The days he folded Kings preflop are long gone” and calls all-in.

However, in my opinion he should have taken a little bit more time. If there is ever a spot, where you actually can fold Pocket Kings preflop, then it is after somebody 6-bets all-in, when you have 5-bet.

He has to think, what hands Dwan does that with and there are only two of them, namely Pocket Kings and most likely Pocket Aces. Even Pocket Queens and Ace-King are very unlikely after a 6-bet all-in.

Nevertheless, this is just a huge cooler and very, very difficult to ever get away from especially against an aggressive players like Dwan.

Action is now back on Daniel, who correctly folds his queens, which is an easy fold after this action.

They agree to run it twice, but Tom wins both runouts and scoops a $697,100 pot!

You can watch the video of the hand here:

Matt Kirk vs Bill Klein: 1 Million Dollar Pot

After this massive cooler, the one of the player made two mistakes in this hand.

After a straddle and re-straddle Lauren Roberts opened from the cut-off with 9s-8s to $5,000 and Bill Klein finds Aces in the small blind.

He 3-bets to $14,000 and both Kirk with Ah-4h and Roberts call. Potsize: $44,400.

Flop: The flop of 4c-5s-4d spells disaster for Klein, but he obviously goes ahead and makes a continuation bet of $30,000. Kirk now decides to raise to $75,000. A great raise as his hand is very disguised and it helps him to get all the money into the pot if Klein happens to have a big overpair.

Now it gets interesting and this is the point in the hand, where Klein in my opinion makes a big mistake. He 3-bets to $175,000.

Both are very deep (around 1,000 Big Blinds) at that point and 3-betting here doesn’t makes any sense for three reasons:

  1. All you are getting called by is beating you (55, 44, 4xs).
  2. Yes, Kirk is a maniac and has a wide range, but if he is bluffing, then just call and let him continue bluffing.
  3. Big pairs such as KK, QQ and JJ fall out as Kirk is a very aggressive player and would have raised preflop.

Aussie Matt just calls and gives Klein rope to hang himself.  Potsize: $394,400.

Turn: The turn is the 2h, which doesn’t change much.

Action is on Klein and with a stack of $297k he has less than a potsize bet behind.

And this is where he makes the second mistake, he ships it all-in. Again Klein has to ask himself, which hands called his 3-bet to $175,000 on the flop and when analyzing the hand correctly, only 55, 44 and 4x remain.

Matt obviously snap-calls and is a 88% favorite to win the hand. The river 9h doesn’t change anything and Aussie Matt ships the biggest pot of the first Poker After Dark episode worth $979,600.

If Klein would have just called the reraise from Kirk on the flop and then either called down or folded against a shove it would have saved him a lot of money.

Watch the 1 Million Dollar Pot here:

 Second episode features Will Kassouf, Mike “The Mouth” Matusow and Liv Boeree

The second episode of the new Poker After Dark season, which starts tonight, is called “Voices carry” and will feature trash talkers William Kassouf and Mike Matusow as well as Liv Boeree and Igor Kurganov.

Will Kassouf at the 888poker Twitch channel

This time tournament players are in for a treat as they will play a $25,000 Sit and Go.

Here’s the full overview of this week’s lineups:

08-22$25,000Mike MatusowJean-Robert BellandeDavid WilliamsMatt BerkeyNick SchulmanWilliam Kassouf
08-23$25,000Jason KoonScott SeiverBrian RastMatt BerkeyNick SchulmanBen Lamb
08-24$25,000Igor KurganovLiv BoereeDavid WilliamsBruce BufferJason KoonRandall Emmett

You can follow the action live on PokerGO all week long!

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Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Live Poker News Poker Strategy Poker News


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