The Best Hands of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 1

Watch the best hands and biggest pots of each High Stakes Poker Season 8 episode on

The long wait is finally over as the new High Stakes Poker Season 8 kicked off last night after a nine year break. From now on there will be new episode coming out every Wednesday. However, the episodes are exclusive to those with a paid PokerGo subscription and we want to give our players the chance to see the best hands and biggest pots for free. That’s why we will sum up the top hands of each High Stakes Poker Season 8 episode on the next day on!  

Lineup of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 1

Here is the lineup of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 1:

  • Tom “durrrr” Dwan
  • Bryn Kenney
  • Rick Salomon
  • Nick Petrangelo
  • Michael Schwimmer 
  • Brandon Steven

They are playing NL$400/$800 6-max with a minimum buy-in of $200,000.

Michael Schwimer vs Tom Dwan: $148,700 Pot

Our favourite hand of High Stakes Poker Episode 1 was played between newcomer Michael Schwimer and poker legend Tom “durrrr” Dwan.

Take a look at the action up until the turn here and we will then pick it up from there:

As you can see this is a nasty spot for Tom Dwan as he has an overpair vs. the Top Two Pair from Michael Schwimer. There is already $108,700 in the pot and Schwimmer had raised on the flop and bet the turn.

The river is the A♥, which is a bad card for Dwan as his opponent could have easily have raised with the nut flush draw and a hand like A♠K♠ or A♠T♠ and now he got there.

Michael goes for a small value bet of 1/5 pot by betting $20,000 into $108,700. Tom goes into the tank and ultimately flicks in the call just to get shown the bad news by Schwimer, who collects a nice $148,700 on his High Stakes Poker Debut.


Rick Salomon vs. Tom Dwan: $161,200 Pot

The biggest pot of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 1 was not surprisingly played between the two action players Rick Salomon and Tom Dwan.

Salomon makes a lose raise from the button to $3,500 with J♠7♠ and durrrr picks up a very nice hand in the big blind with A♠K♠ and 3-bets large to $15,000. However, Rick Salomon is very sticky and doesn’t gives up easily, so he decides to make the call in position and just like that there are $31,700 in the pot.

The flop 9♣4♣8♠ is very favourable for Tom as he picks up the nut flush draw to go together with his two overcards, while Salomon has a gut shot to the nuts with a backdoor flush draw, which is enough for him to call Tom’s $18,000 continuation bet. Pot Size: $49,200

The J♥ is a great card for the Hollywood home game legend as he now has top pair. On the other hand, it is a pretty bad card for Dwan as it perfectly hits the range of Salomon.

durrrr checks and Rick quickly bets $22,000. Although Tom doesn’t have a pair he still has 34% equity and a way too strong hand to fold against such a loose opponent like Rick Salomon, so he calls. Pot Size: $111,200

The 6♥ on the river is none of Dwan’s outs though and he again checks over to Salomon, who goes for value with a nice $50,000 bet and Dwan quickly folds.

The Best Hands of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 1

Next High Stakes Poker Episode: Wednesday, December 23rd at 8 pm ET

The second episode of the new High Stakes Poker Season will come out on Wednesday, December 23rd at 8 pm ET/2 am CET and we will once again post the most spectacular hands and also the biggest pots and bluffs on the next day, so make sure to check back regularly for the latest updates from High Stakes Poker Season 8.

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Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Featured Articles Live Poker News Poker News


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